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PPP Composters

Please get in touch to find out more about our efficient composters.


4 different machine capacities to suit your needs, from 5m3, 14m3, 28m3 & 50m

Self-contained, in-vessel composting allows you to capture dirty air, and have great control of the biological process.  PPP composters have a state-of-the-art composting drum that speeds up the aerobic fermentation process significantly. It does so by creating the ideal environment for the aerobic bacteria to populate and mineralize the organic compound.

All we do is help the naturally-existing bacteria do their work - just faster!

Typical processing rates with the correct bacteria, for example using protein waste (hatchery waste, dead poultry, farm animals, meat processing waste etc) can be achieved in 30 hours. This is turning for example dead poultry (including feathers & guts) into a friable compost at approximately 23% moisture.

For detailed information on the significant advantages that this system offers, please contact us today.
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