0800 901 902
Year Established1962
Started or bought
The company was started in 1962 – owned by the Batkin & Dance family of Bromley Park Hatcheries

Purchased the Batkin Family shares in 2001 by current shareholders Nick Morison & Felicia Nicchio Godoy

Purchased Dance family shares in 2017 by current shareholders Nick Morison & Felicia Nicchio Godoy
Company type (franchise, multiple branches)Company based in Pokeno with nation-wide installers
Number of customers servicedOver 4,000
Area servicedNew Zealand & South Pacific
PPP Physical Address 190 Roberts Road, RD 4 Tuakau 2694, New Zealand
Geographic expansionExporting to South America, Australia, Middle East, UK & Ireland & South Pacific
Product range change over time Poultry Equipment, Dairy Feed Systems, Silos, Sheep Dipping, Composting & Waste Treatment
AwardsDelottes Fast 50, NZ Hi-Tech Finalist, Westpac Innovation Finalist
Industry categories Manufacturing, Supply and Servicing Equipment. Importer & Exporter


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